first of all you need to decide what type and size of mattress you need because mattresses are such a highly personal choice you Amarillo Custom Home Builders know my mom dad sleep on the same mattress but they have a temporary take that is like adjustable on each side so they can each pick whether they want it like firm or soft. And that really does help and so if you want memory springs I know that I like to feel like I’m falling into a bed of Amarillo Custom Home Builders feathers and so that’s just kind of like how I like to sleep but it is not for everyone so you need to definitely pick that and also you need to pick what size because if it’s just you, you might not want to California King, I mean I have a CALIFORNIA KING OF storage and I absolutely love it. But um it’s just not feasible in an apartment. So definitely take the size of the room into consideration whenever you are picking mattresses, um, because you don’t want to get in a sticky situation where doesn’t fit in the room, or where nothing else will fit in the room except for the mattress. And then you want to define kind of everything and like if you add a bed frame it really does add some sophistication Amarillo Custom Home Builders  and maturity because you should not have your bed on the floor as an adult, okay if you do, do something about it. Okay, I’m not even gonna lie is bad. Okay. And then also, so you could use the mat the bed frame and headboard to kind of say something like, if you don’t want to have. You don’t want to have sheets and blankets that really pop out and maybe you can go for the head for the mat and stuff like that and frame. If not, you know, Pick your bed linens, to really pop so most people like like pure white sheets, and then some people like like colorful sheets and so it Amarillo Custom Home Builders doesn’t really, it doesn’t really like matter. It just really honestly up to you and what your fill is but one thing that people, one thing that people really look at is thread count thread count used to like be a super super crazy thing and now it still is somewhat important if you’re just really picky. But they also have like lower thread count pieces like 600, where they are still like super comfortable because of the higher the third count the more expensive the sheets are going to be so you can get super super comfortable ones for not the price of like a 3000 thread count, you know she’s I don’t know if that’s actually a real thing but whatever. Okay, so also they are the only things that are gonna be touching your skin at night so if you sleep with a fitted sheet and a loose sheet you’re going to be in the middle of those two. So, you’re going to want them to be comfortable you know they’re going to be Amarillo Custom Home Builders touching you all the time and you really want to be comfortable. They also need to be the correct size for your matters, my sheets on my bed right now are not the correct depth. So, because I have so much memory foam on top of my bed to kind of make it more comfortable because I’m in an apartment and so it was already furnished so we had to actually pick it anyway so that’s not a big deal. But, so I did provide myself with some memory foam to kind of help with it but due to that my shoes were not deep enough, so they’re like halfway down the mattress. And so, it is not the best Amarillo Custom Home Builders luck but it’s what I have to work with right now until I buy something out so that might be something that also you want to choose. And then your competitor, you really need to decide, you know, do you get really hot and it really gets sweaty, or do you get super cold, you know what I’m saying. So like if you have a comforter introduce a cover, then that just you know depend on the seasoning and stuff and also can really like make your room pop if you have like a accent color as your bed and stuff I have a black mattress, or I’m sorry I have a black blanket which isn’t great I’m going to change that and get a new one, but I had a white marble one that really Amarillo Custom Home Builders matched the fitting of my room, or like the the aesthetic but my dog ate it and so it just did not happen. So yeah, so you can check out like home goods or Target or TJ Maxx and get these for super cheap as well. And then also, for those throw blankets and throw pillows, these are important. No one ever talks about how important they are but I feel like you should have at least like 13 pillows on your bed. I’m just kidding but no I seriously do have a lot of pillows on my bed because I love Amarillo Custom Home Builders them so much and I feel like you can always use extra blankets and pillows you know I’m saying. So, these can also be used to make the bed kind of pop if you’re using. If you have an all white bed. Maybe you could choose like a polka dot. Throw blanket just to lay on the edge, you can pull over your feet at night, you know, that is one way to do it and then there’s just like a bunch of different ways that you can make your bedroom pop it so that’s just one way. Another way is Amarillo Custom Home Builders like maybe painting your furniture like if you have neutral neutral stuff you don’t want to paint the walls, then I would honestly go for painting the furniture. When I was in high school I had yellow furniture and everything in my room and I mean maybe it wasn’t the best pic as of now but the great thing about that is you can always repaint the furniture it’s super way Amarillo Custom Home Builders heaper than repainting the entire room. So that’s just honestly up to you.